Yes, you can get a blog very easily at sites like Wordpress and Blogger. But if you are familiar with Github, and a text editor you might be better of using a static site generator like Jekyll.
The advantages of Jekyll in combination with Github Pages:
- you can edit posts with your trusted text editor
- use the editor commands you already got in your muscle memory
- edit posts while offline
- always have a local backup
- you are not tied to a company like Wordpress or Blogger
- you do not need to maintain or backup a database
- no need to find hosting, let Github Pages do the generating and hosting for you
This blog is created with Jekyll, hosted on Github Pages and uses the So Simple Theme. There are some pretty high quality themes available at Jekyll Themes. Step-by-step instructions can be found here: Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages.
With this solution I use Emacs with Org mode to write my posts. Then I push the new posts to my repository and Github Pages takes care of hosting and generating the site. For finding feature images for the posts I use CreativeCommons Search.